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Responsabilidad por Alcohol

Liquor Liability

Florida’s dram shop law imposes liability on businesses that sell or serve alcohol to customers who then cause harm to others. The function of a liquor liability attorney is to support the law by holding these businesses accountable for their role in contributing to accidents and injuries caused by intoxicated individuals.

What is Dram Shop Liability?

Dram shop liability is a legal principle that holds businesses responsible for the actions of their patrons who cause harm to others as a result of being served alcohol. In Florida, this principle applies to bars, restaurants, and other establishments that serve alcohol to customers. Under Florida law, a business may be liable for damages caused by an intoxicated individual, prompting the need of a liquor liability attorney.

Legal Remedies for Victims

Victims of alcohol-related accidents or injuries may be able to pursue legal remedies against the business that served the alcohol. These remedies may include:

  1. Filing a personal injury lawsuit: Victims may be able to file a lawsuit with a liquor liability attorney against the business that served the alcohol to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.
  2. Filing a wrongful death lawsuit: If a victim dies as a result of their injuries, their family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the business.
  3. Pursuing punitive damages: In some cases, victims may be able to pursue punitive damages, which are intended to punish the business for their conduct and deter similar behavior in the future.

In conclusion, Florida’s dram shop law holds businesses that serve alcohol accountable for the actions of their patrons. If you or a loved one has been injured in an alcohol-related accident, it is important to seek the help of a liquor liability attorney with My 305 Attorneys.

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